CO Department of Peace Poet Laureate: Linda Ohlson Graham, is available to share her VISION for Global Peace, calmer weather patterns, the end to terrorist attacks ... and potential insights into how to cure-eradicate the pandemic.
Please feel welcome to contact Linda re: planning an event, or re: being interviewed. If required, travel costs and expenses would need to be offered.
Upcoming and current news and events:
- P(rovincetown)TV plans to do a profile of Linda sharing more of her Writings-Poetry ... using portions of Linda Ohlson Graham ... Dreams of Peace which is available on YouTube.
- Linda will have an exhibit of her award-winning photography and poetry created in 'Writings pieces' at the Commons April 2-14, 2025. There will be an opening reception Fri. April 4th 5-7pm.
- A Zoom dialog (at The Commons) w/ Linda's co-author of SAVE THE EARTH Alatishe Kolawole in Nigeria will be offered Sunday April 6, 2025 @ 2pm.
- Copies of Linda's and Alatishe Kolawole's book SAVE THE EARTH are now available @ Provincetown Art Association and Museum, WomenCrafts, East End Books, and Provincetown Bookshop.
Past Events
- Linda was invited to share some of her EARTH OCAN HEAVENS Writings-Poetry during Provincetown Theater's Holiday Extravaganza Dec. 19-22.
- P(rovincetown)TV videoed Linda sharing her Writings-Poetry Tues. Sept. 3rd. What's recorded has been airing on PTV :):):) and is available @ ... Search : Linda Ohlson Graham ... Dreams of Peace.
- The current book in Linda's Reading Series is Agony and Ecstacy by Irving Stone... re: the life of Michaelangelo. This is an in-person and via Zoom weekly book club and read along/read aloud with group leader, Linda Ohlson Graham. Linda will read aloud from the book while encouraging other participants to read along or aloud in the Bowsprit room at the Provincetown Library or via Zoom until the book is finished. Tuesdays @ 11am. Join at any time! Contact for the Zoom link.
- Womens Week Town Hall Book Festival 10-17-24 Linda was proud to offer (and happy to sell) copies of SAVE THE EARTH.
- WomenCrafts presented a SAVE THE EARTH 'reading' w/ Linda on May 1, 2024 ... Linda's 'reading' received exceptionally beautiful comments from WomenCrafts' owner Michelle Axelson, and from the others who attended.
- Provincetown MA Library presented 'An Evening of Poetry' w/ Linda and highly acclaimed Himalayan poet Yuyutsu Sharma.
- Provincetown Library ... Fall 2023 Linda Ohlson Graham Reading Series: The Whale by Philip Hoare.
- 8-26-23 As the result of a sweet financial gift from Linda's niece: Jen Ohlson ... Linda was able to order 100 copies of her and Alatishe Kolawole's book: SAVE THE EARTH - Promoting Peace and planetary wellness. It is available at the businesses mentioned above.
- Linda was invited to be a guest (twice recently) on Stone Soup Poetry. Re: the July 5th Zoom room: lg is introduced @ 1:05 ... and begins sharing Writings-Poetry @ 1:06:26.
- Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram invited Linda to be one of his guests re: Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio Presents A Women's History Month Special Program: This year's theme was "From Whence We Came". The show aired Wednesday, March 16, 2023.
- Provincetown Library: 2022 Winter Reading Series: Time and the Town ... a Provincetown Chronicle: by Mary Heaton Vorse.
- The Provincetown Theater Holiday Extravaganza. Linda shared some of her 'Earth Ocean Heavens Writings-Poetry' as one of 18 acts. Dec. 16-18, 2022.
- Linda was Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram's one hour guest in Sept. 2022:
- August 2022 ... Provincetown Library: Reading The Bridge at Andau by James Michener. The Bridge at Andau is James A. Michener at his most gripping. His classic nonfiction account of a doomed uprising is as searing and unforgettable as any of his bestselling novels. For five brief, glorious days in the autumn of 1956, the Hungarian revolution gave its people a glimpse at a different kind of future—until, at four o’clock in the morning on a Sunday in November, the citizens of Budapest awoke to the shattering sound of Russian tanks ravaging their streets. The revolution was over. But freedom beckoned in the form of a small footbridge at Andau, on the Austrian border. By an accident of history it became, for a few harrowing weeks, one of the most important crossings in the world, as the soul of a nation fled across its unsteady planks.
- Linda has been 'One of the featured poets' during several Cultivating Voices Live Poetry 'Zoom rooms' over the past few years.
- Provincetown Library: Beginning September 21, 2021 The World is My Home by James Michener was read. The World is My Home began with Michener's time in the South Pacific, the subject of and location where he wrote his first book. Throughout the book, Michener ranges through the course of his life by the subjects that affected him. He provides insight into his discovery of the locations he would later write about including Espiritu Santo and Bali Ha'i from Tales of the South Pacific.
- 8-18-21 Linda has been participating in (and contributing to) a 'members: Patreon zoom meeting'....w/ hosts: Dear friend Martina Hoffman and her partner: Pascal Ferry. Robert Venosa's art has been discussed recently. ... As a 'Member of Patreon' (which is a membership platform that provides business tools for content creators to run a subscription service) Martina and Pascal are dialoging re: art related topics, and giving viewers who are members: 'monthly access' to their art and process.
- 7-28-21 Provincetown Public Library and Linda have begun to virtually read Poet Of The Dunes: Songs of the Dunes and the Outer Shore Tues. @ 11am. Harry Kemp was known as the "poet of the dunes." He lived on and off in a shack in the dunes of Provincetown, Cape Cod for a period of about 40 years. 8-18-21 Only a few more weeks until this book is finished. Feel Welcome to join anytime: Please contact Library Director Amy Raff @ for the 'zoom link'.
- It has been a joy these last several months to share with those joining in who have read (via a Provincetown Public Library 'zoom link') Mrs. Jack ... the Louise Hall Tharp biography of the extraordinary Isabella Stewart Gardner and the remarkable Gardner Museum Isabella established in Boston, MA, soon-after her husband's passing. The Museum houses significant examples of European, Asian, and American art. Its collection includes paintings, sculpture, tapestries, and decorative arts.
- 6-18-21 Linda participated in a beach clean-up w/ Provincetown's Center for Coastal Studies: She was asked to share re: her experience. Linda's sharing is viewable @ 2:28 4:54 5:46 7:29 .
- 6-3-21 Linda received a very last minute invite to record a Facebook Live interview w/ Pandora Peoples. It aired on Healing Wisdom @
- Linda was awarded the 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis (Who's Who) Lifetime Achievement Award.
- While in Sarasota, FL during Jan. 2020, Linda happened upon the Sat. am downtown Farmer's Market. There was a booth for WSLR. Linda said 'Hello' and shared she had been a guest on WSLR's Surreal News: January 27, 2006. With a moment Linda was talking w/ the host of the Peace and Justice Report, and near immediately was invited to be his guest the following Wed.
- Recently, it was a joy for Linda to once again be invited as a guest on Pandora Peoples' WOMR www broadcast radio show Healing Wisdom. ... Linda's 1st interview w/ Pandora was on Feb. 6, 2020 ... . Much of what Linda shares is re: A viable Path to Global Peace, calmer weather, potential 1) for an end to terrorist attacks ... and 2) to receive insights re: 'curing-eradicating thE pandemic'. Please feel Welcome to view .. and (perhaps globally) share if you would like to: Linda's self-published book: copyright: Earth Ocean Heavens ... a mini guidebook to aide Humanity in entering "The New Age", viewable on the Home page of this site.
'Yes' ... Linda's VISION re: a Path to Global Peace, calmer weather patterns, an end to terrorist attacks, and potential for insights to cure-eradicate thE pandemic ... has been shared w/ thE sincerest ... most valid intentions since Sept. 12th ... 2001.
- Invitation to be on a Women's Week panel : Linda was invited to participate in the Women Writers Workshop in Provincetown, MA: So You Wrote It . . . Now What? at Pilgrim Monument Sat. Oct. 6th ... 2018; three authors shared their process.
- Linda was a guest on WOMR's Healing Wisdom 12-8-17 ... WOMR radio show host Pandora Peoples invited Global peace poet Linda Ohlson Graham and musician Mary Martin to be her guests on Healing Wisdom.
- It was a joy for Linda to have her photo: Reed Sculpture - 1 displayed w/ other Cape Cod National League of American Pen Women's art and books during the opening reception of ArtSpring 2017 the evening of April 27, 2017 at the Cape Cod Museum of Art
- December 6 & 7, 2016 5 Cape Cod National League of American Pen Women (including Linda) contributed to a power point presentation with images of their work and Writing Poetry during Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve's Cape Coastal Conference at the Hyannis (MA) Resort & Conference Center.
- Sunday, November 13 at 4 pm Linda was invited to share some Writings and Poetry during Voices of Poetry - Thanks for the Giving II UU Meeting House 819 Main Street (Route 28), Chatham, MA - A Benefit for Lower Cape Outreach Council.
- June 25, 2016 - A special afternoon of readings at AMP Gallery 432 Commercial St. Provincetown, MA - War or Peace ... valid option: Peace with well-recognized Provincetown poets Linda Ohlson Graham and Hilde Oleson shares re: Linda Ohlson Graham and
Hilde Oleson intertwined their work ... and took turns reading their poems
- Linda Ohlson Graham's recently self-published book: 'Earth Ocean Heavens', a mini guide book to aide Humanity in entering "The New Age" envisions 'allllllll of us' collectively entering a truly peaceful next thousand year cycle by enough of us intentionally quieting our thinking Mind(s) for just a few minutes daily. Her book shares, in poetic language - accented by award winning fine photography, Humanity's Path to Global Peace and calmer weather patterns.
- November 14, 2015 - Linda was invited to participate in the Voices of Poetry - Thanks for the Giving (Cape Cod edition) event @ the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House in Chatham, MA.
- Linda is very proud to share that she was recently notified that her name is included in 'Who's Who in America 2016'. This acknowledgement follows being notified that her name was included in 'Who's Who in America 2015'.
- Sept. 26, 2015: Spiritus Pizza Commercial St. Provincetown. Linda was invited to share Writings Poetry-during the Sat. eve 'Exhibit opening' of members of Provincetown's Helltown Gallery.
- July 2nd, 2015 @ 5PM … Linda shared some of her 'How to create Global Peace and calm our Earth's weather patterns Writings Poetry at Hutson Gallery, Provincetown … where several of her 'Visuals of LIGHT and Beauty' photos have been on display. The event was very beautifully received.
- Linda is very proud to have been The Featured Poet at Napi's Restaurant during their monthly Writer's Voice Cafe Open Mic Night June 11th, 2014.
- Sophia Resnick's Signature Gallery … Whaler's Wharf, Provincetown. MA … presented: Linda Ohlson Graham and Poet friends on Sun. Mar. 16th. The event was very well received.
- It was a thrill for Linda's display of previously exhibited photos and Writings pieces to be sOOO beautifully received at the reception for her 'Mar. 8th thru mid-April' showing at Sophia Resnick's Signature Gallery. Also … Linda received some very complimentary feedback after sharing some of her Writings Poetry during the reception.
- 1-8-14: Christian Union Church … Shore Rd. N. Truro … invited Linda to participate in an afternoon 'Poets-Writers' event. Linda had proposed an event like this to the church a few months ago … hence: this CUC Coffee House was born.
- 10-7-13 … It gives Linda pride to have been thE Poet at 5 Provincetown events during this somewhat recent span of time … and to have been the guest on a WOMR radio show:
- The Provincetown, MA Public Library's -1st Open Mic Night: August 9th, 2012 invited CO Department of Peace Poet Laureate Linda Ohlson Graham to be their 'Feature'. Linda invited poet and lyrical essayist Maria Nazos to be her guest. Matt Clark: Provincetown Library Program Director commented that Linda's Poetry evening had been thE BEST attended speaking event he had planned … and invited Linda to share her Writings Poetry again … during the Library's 2nd Open Mic Night June 6th , 2013.
- July 25th 2013: Deb Nadolney … owner of Art Market Provincetown … invited Linda to do her 2nd Poetry event at the gallery titled: Linda Ohlson Graham and 'poet friends'. It was VERY sweetly received.
- Linda was invited to be the Featured Poet Oct. 6th, 2012 at Art Market Provincetown (AMP) 148 Commercial St. (west End Gallery District). Linda invited poet and lyrical essayist Maria Nazos to be her guest. The evening was beautifully received.
- Linda was invited to share an hour of her Writings and Poetry during 10 Days of Art* at Town Hall in Provincetown, MA on Sun. Sept. 15th from 1-2PM. What she shared was beautifully received. One can scroll down to the Sunday events listed at *this link to see the announcement re: Linda's participation. At the conclusion of each of these 5 events … audience members approached Linda with very appreciative comments re: her Writings and Poetry. …
- .6-26-13: Linda received news that her name is included in Who's Who in the East: 2014.
- The Provincetown Library invited Linda to hang several pieces of her art during their June 27th evening Special event: FRESH PAINT. This free event was open to the public and featured art of all forms displayed on four levels of the Library's beautifully renovated facade.
- Linda shared 15 minutes of her Writings Poetry May 19th on Karen Stein's World Music radio program: Sound Travels on Provincetown's www broadcast station:, and received complimentary feedback from numerous people who had heard her on the show.
- Cape Women Online 2013 Spring 2013 issue offers a block announcement on the right that reads: Readers share their spring poetry. A full page of Linda's poem: Entrance into … 'a Quiet and Peaceful AGE' appears … along with Linda's photo: Bahamian Pink … in their Spring 2012 issue … and 2 of Linda's photos as well as a a poem on the 2013 Spring issue's Creative Women page. A friend filmed 40 minutes of Linda's Writings Poetry then: a dear woman at the Provincetown Library showed Linda how to segment what had been filmed and post it to Youtube. The result is @
- Linda's contributed to the 2012 9th Annual Poetry Tea at Provincetown's Council on Aging.
- The Marrinan Gallery … 208 Commercial St. in the Provincetown, MA West end Gallery District offered Linda a wall to show her 'natural beauty presence' photos … along with Writings pieces (Oct. - Dec. 2012). Michael Marrinan, the gallery's owner and featured artist, also invited Linda to present some of her Writings and Poetry in the gallery on Fri. 11-30-12 and (repeat) on Sat. Dec. 1st @ 1PM. Linda's art … and the Poetry event were very well received. A few of Linda's framed 'Big sky' photos were sold … and she received very complimentary and supportive feedback after her gallery 'Writings Poetry presentation'.
- Linda was invited to be the Featured Poet Oct. 6th, 2012 at Art Market Provincetown (AMP) 148 Commercial St. (west End Gallery Distrct). Linda invited poet and lyrical essayist Maria Nazos to be her guest. A 2nd event: Linda Ohlson Graham with poet friends occurred July 25th, 2013 at AMP … . Both events were beautifully received.
- Linda is VERY PROUD to share her (what has often streamed <thrU her> in a flow … :) Writings and Poetry. … Please: Feel welcome to share Linda's 'links' with those that you're connected with. … 'TY!'
- ISLAND WAVES: PaTTi LimPeRes Creative Community Cultural Center* on Queen Elizabeth Dr. Marsh Harbor Great Abaco Island BAHAMAS … invited Colorado Department of Peace Poet Laureate Linda Ohlson Graham (who was visiting Hope Town BAHAMAS for a few months this last winter from Cape Cod, MA) to share some of her HOW to create World Peace and calm our Earth's weather patterns Writings Poetry during *their Grand Opening Celebration Mar. 10th, 2012. Part of what Linda shared was 'Notes taken during a Zen Master's talk ... interspersed w/ my own Writing'. Garnell Stuart (ISLAND WAVES founder) shared with Linda* that numerous people made beautiful … appreciative comments about *her Writings Poetry. One can view the beginning portion of what Linda shared here. (TY Garnell!)
- On Wed. Aug. 10th, 2011 … Shore Galleries present(s) CO Dept. of Peace Poet Laureate Linda Ohlson Graham and guest: Provincetown Arts published Peter Saunders occurred. The evening was beautifully received.
- On Wed. July 20,2011 … Wiltshire ENGLAND: Crop Circles was presented @ Shore Galleries in Provincetown, Cape Cod. Linda Ohlson Graham shared the DVD: Wake Up Call: Anybody Listening? by film-maker Patty Greer. Linda shared her own experience of following this crop circle phenomena for years as well as her experience last Sept. of walking in one of the two not plowed under crop circles that was in Avebury, ENGLAND.
- Petals of Peace and Visuals of Light and Beauty was the title of Linda's talk during the quarterly meeting of the Cape Cod branch of the National League of American Pen Women. It was a lawn party on June 26, 2011 in Sandwich, MA. Linda received numerous exuberant comments of appreciation as soon as she finished … and she received an email that said: I wanted to tell you what a joy it was to have met you on Sunday. I enjoyed your presentation so much. But more than that, I was deeply moved by the gentleness of your being. … Linda responded: Thank You so much!
- On May 6th, 2011 the Provincetown, MA Soup Kitchen had a fund-raiser: -Spring Fling. Numerous notable local entertainers provided the program for the evening. Linda was invited to share -5- minutes of her Poetry and Writings during the event. It was a -fun- evening for her to be a part of … and she received many supportive, lovely, positive comments.
- 6-12-11: Linda had a Mini-retrospective on exhibit during June 2011 at Spiritus Pizza … located at 190 Commercial St. Provincetown, MA.
- Linda heard about a Cape Cod Dare to take place on New Year's eve 2010. She received some very beautiful feedback as the result of sharing a few of her poems.
- Unitarian Universalist Nauset Fellowship …220 Samoset Rd. Eastham, MA … invited Linda to be their speaker on Sun. Dec. 19th … 2010. Linda had the opportunity to share Writings and Poetry … as well as numerous stories … during the time she was given. She received beautiful, positive feedback from many who were there. About Nauset Fellowship: they offer a warm-hearted, lay-led fellowship of the spirit based on humanistic values, a sense of humor, and a delight in each other.
- Cape Women Online offers a -full page- of Linda's poem: Entrance into … 'a Quiet and Peaceful -AGE-' along with Linda's photo: Bahamian Pink … in their Spring 2012 issue … and two of Linda's photos as well as a a poem on the -Creative Women- page: There is a block announcement on the right that reads: Readers share their spring poetry … in their Spring 2013 issue.
- A friend filmed 40 minutes of Linda sharing some of her Writings and Poetry. Another friend showed her how to segment what had been filmed and then post it on Youtube. Linda created 10 short videos of varying lengths: They're visible @ A link to view the entire film is just a little above: to the right.** The video that has her Formula for World Peace is visible @ /watch?v=XL06E7VW2Hs. Enjoy!
- Oct. 20, 2010: It was an honor for Linda to be invited to share Writings and Poetry at the Christian Union Church … 27 Shore Rd. N. Truro, MA.
- Linda Ohlson Graham was invited to give the opening and closing comments … and the main talk … at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 236 Commercial St., Provincetown on Oct. 10th, 2010. HOW to create World Peace and calm our Earth's weather patterns Writings and Poetry was shared.
- September 15 @ 7:30: Third Annual Highland Community Poetry Festival, at the Highland House Museum Highland Light Rd, N. Truro.
- Lavinia Wolfarth, owner of Wolfarth Galleries (Provincetown, MA location: 432 Commercial St. on Cape Cod USA) … presents Linda Ohlson Graham occurred Tuesday Aug. 24th, 2010.
At each of these above mentioned events … Linda shared some of her widely recognized 'How to create World Peace/ calm our Earth's weather patterns' Writings and Poetry.
- When Linda 1st returned to the Cape … she shared Writings and Poetry at the Chapel in the Pines … 220 Samoset Rd. Eastham, Cape Cod, MA on a lovely Sunday afternoon in Mar. 2011 and she enjoyed seeing many dear long time friends.
- There was a conference April 5th - 9th, 2010 at Colorado University in Boulder. … On Monday, April 5th District 2 of the Colorado Campaign to Establish a US Department of Peace and the National Peace Academy … presented two panels re: Creating a Culture of Peace. Writings and Poetry by Linda Ohlson Graham (who was named CO Department of Peace Poet Laureate by DoP co state co-ordinator Barbara Rivera) re: 'HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns' was shared to open and close the event. The 1st panel included Colorado DoP members: Kristin Famula (Director of Outreach for the National Peace Academy) and Barbara Rivera … both co State Coordinators for the CO Department of Peace campaign, and Miranda Fisher of the Student Peace Alliance. The 2nd panel included Peacemakers from the local area. Thanks to those who joined CD2 of the DoP for this discussion on the strategic tools and legislative and educational options for implementing peace.
- Unity of Boulder agreed and invited Linda to present a display her Haitian photos Sun. Feb. 7, 2010. 'You're photos are gorgeous.' was said to Linda numerous times.
- The Boulder Benefit for Haiti held on Feb. 4th, 2010 at the Spice of Life Event Center agreed that Linda could have an exhibit of photos she took in Haiti in the 70's on display during the event. Attendees were so-o-o appreciative to see an exhibit of Linda's Haitian photos displayed when they entered the Event Center. The smiling faces of the Haitian people and Port au Prince the way it looked in 1976 are captured in Linda's photos.
- The Boulder Benefit for Haiti held on Feb. 4th, 2010 at the Spice of Life Event Center agreed that Linda could have an exhibit of photos she took in Haiti in the 70's on display during the event … and share a little of her (and God's -Writings and Poetry-. Attendees were appreciative to see an exhibit of Linda's Haitian photos displayed when they entered the Event Center. The smiling faces of the Haitian people and Port au Prince the way it looked in 1976 are captured in Linda's photos.
- Linda shared some Writings and Poetry on Jan. 19, 2010 at the Martin Luther King Poetry event announced @ Once again, Linda received very complimentary and supportive feedback.
- On the morning of Dec. 31, 2009 … Linda was the guest poet at the International Hour for Peace event at the University Center in Ft. Collins, CO. Linda's Writings and Poetry received beautiful comments from many who attended.
- On the morning of Dec. 31, 2009 … Linda was the guest poet at the International Hour for Peace event at the University Center in Ft. Collins, CO. Linda's writings and poetry received beautiful comments from many who attended.
- Linda was invited to share some of her Writings and Poetry at the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's Annual Holiday Party and Peacemaker of the Year Awards Celebration given to Ghada Elturk, a librarian at Boulder Public Library, who works to activate a broad, global movement for peace and justice based on the principles of nonviolence: Dec. 12th, 2009.
- Barb Rivera (co DoP CO state co-ordinator) invited Linda to be Event chair for Visions of Peace (see info @ Visions of Peace had an Art Network for Peace at galleries and locations around Colorado: There was an art reception on Sept. 20 (2-4) at the Art Student's League in Denver. Linda shared some of her Writings/ Poetry during two of the three presentations.
- Walker Fine Art … 300 West 11th Ave #A Denver … incorporated a VoP event during their 1st Fri. art walk on Oct. 2, 2009 7-9PM. Linda shared some of her HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns Writings and Poetry.
Also …
- Linda shared Writings and Poetry at the Mercury Cafe on Oct. 18th @ 5:30 and at Creator Mundi Gallery in Cherry Creek Denver had an event on Wed. Oct. 21st @ 5:30. It has touched Linda's Heart that what she has shared thus far has been so beautifully received.
- © EARTH OCEAN HEAVENS was the 'Featured business' at US Bank … 1495 Canyon Blvd. Boulder during July 2009. Linda presented a board with bio info and … some lines from her (and God's) 'HOW to Create WORLD PEACE and calm our Earth's weather patterns' Writings and Poetry.
- With the help of a few friends (beginning in March last year) Linda built a 25' 7 circuit medieval labyrinth on the property of Unity of Boulder, CO. The labyrinth's dedication was on April 26th: after the 2nd service at Unity. Unity of Boulder minister Jack Groverland shared a very meaningful 'Blessing' … Linda shared the process of how the idea to build a labyrinth manifested … as well as a line and a few poems from her (and God's) © EARTH OCEAN HEAVENS Writings and Poetry.
- Linda shared some of her (and God's) 'HOW to create WORLD PEACE and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns' Writings and Poetry at the Boulder, CO Students for Peace and Justice 'Procession for the Future Event' ( on Sunday … March 8, 2009.
- The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center in Boulder, CO invited Linda to share several minutes of her 'HOW to create WORLD PEACE and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns' Writings and Poetry … at their 'Annual meeting' evening Feb. 7th, 2009 …
- Linda also was invited to share some of her HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns Writings and Poetry at the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's 13th Annual Elise Boulding Peacemaker of the Year Award Presentation & Holiday Party held at Unity Church Boulder … Dec. 12th, 2008. Betty Ball 'for all of us at RMPJC' wrote to Linda: Thank you so much Linda for your wonderful contribution to our 25th Anniversary Holiday Party and Peacemaker of the Year award ceremony. As always, your Writings and Poetry were deeply moving. You are so very talented! You truly helped set the tone for the evening, and helped make the event a great success, enjoyed by all. Thank >you Betty and RMPJC ! >Also, on July 18th, 2009, Linda shared a little Writings and Poetry at the RMPJC picnic and Homemade Music and Poetry event.
- Linda shared some of her 'HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns' Writings and Poetry during the 2008 Thanksgiving morning (10AM) service at Unity of Boulder … 2855 Folsom St. She received numerous supportive, complimentary comments about what she shared.
- Linda shared some of her Writings and Poetry during the International Peace Day celebration at the Boulder Band-shell (produced by the Department of Peace, Care for the Planet, River of Light, and People First) Sept. 21st, 2008 … and received numerous positive comments about her exhibit, as well as after the words she shared. The event was only minimally attended. One long time dear friend said : 'Linda … I wish there had been 500 people here today to hear what you shared!'. Her exhibit: HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns + Global Visuals # 4 was displayed. (This exhibit is also shared above under Solo Shows.)
- On Sun. Aug. 3rd, 2008 an exhibit of Linda's art titled 'HOW to create WORLD PEACE and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns + Global Visuals #2' was at the Unity Church of Boulder Valmont and Folsum. Also … Linda was invited to share some of her Writings and Poetry during the service (after Jack Groverland's talk).
- Linda was invited by Unity Church of Boulder, CO (Valmont and Folsum) … to share some of her HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns Writings and Poetry as the opening prayer at both the 9 and 11AM services: Sunday June 22nd, 2008.
- On another recent Sunday (April 20th, 2008) Linda was invited to be the 'Special Guest Artist' at the Unity of Boulder 9 and 11AM services. She shared a little of her HOW to create World Peace and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns Writings and Poetry. Linda also had a table in Fellowship Hall before and after both services and had her ©WORLDS BEYOND WITHIN CD and a few of her ©EARTH OCEAN HEAVENS photographs on view and available for sale. (The exhibit of these photos is also mentioned on this site's Exhibits page under group shows …)
- On Saturday March 15, 2008 Linda was invited to share some of her Writings and Poetry re: HOW to create WORLD PEACE and Calm thE Earth's Weather Patterns at thE Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center rally at the Boulder, CO library. The rally commemorated the fifth anniversary of the occupation of Iraq. Linda received wonderful comments and feedback re: the words she shared.
- 'Care for the Planet' - Peace Thru Action Day - Sept. 22, 2007 - Denver, CO. Linda was invited to be thE (guest) 'World Peace' poet/speaker.
- 'An Evening of Poetry and Music that could lead to WORLD PEACE' with Linda Ohlson Graham & Rob Satori - Sarasota Women's Resource Center - January 2004
- Annual Day of Prayer for WORLD PEACE - Englewood (FL) United Methodist Church - New Year's Day 2003 - Linda was invited to be a guest poet/speaker during the service - Note: 1,000 people attended with 5 interfaith speakers … The head of the Presbyterian Church in America gave the main talk.
Linda Ohlson Graham Copyright 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.
Destination: Peace on Earth ... : There could be someone on the bow of our boat … our boat is our Planet : Earth. The landfall that is being pursued: Peace.
Planet Earth appears to be going thru Hell. War … destruction … poverty … starvation … terrorist attacks … only begin the list of horror. Is it time to enter the next thousand year cycle … an 'Age' foretold with Peace … and LIGHT … and beauty? YES! ...
(April 2003 c LG:) If someone offered THE KEY to Peace on Earth, THE WAY to calm our Earth's weather patterns, and a way to cure ... yes end the pandemic: Would you listen? Would you heed what they told you? It's springtime … I'd like to plant 100 seeds in Minds that bask in brilliance. ...
Yes ...
GLOBAL PEACE and calmer weather patterns are >quite the moons to shoot for … I feel my aim is VERY accurate … It's just the distance I need help with.
(Simply stated:) Please hold the thought with me … that Peace on Earth and calmer weather patterns CAN easily happen … in a moment or two of silence in enough of 'the collective Mind'.
A Publisher and/or patron-s desired.
July 10th, 2016 Fundraising efforts to my book in print did not reach their goal, partly because a dear friend became quite ill.
I arrived Christmas eve-day 2015 for a 3 day visit** w/ my oldest friends, tho stayed several weeks. **Christmas morning, dear friend John was taken to Emergency. Focus on doing what I could to help at my friend's home, took a portion of the focus away from raising the $ to put my book into print.
Anyone who would care to support this book's printing can either mail a contribution to PO # 1886 ... Provincetown, MA 02657 ... or advise me of a publisher to contact. Thank You sooo much <3 ...
(** : A single asterisk within allll of my Writings-Poetry = a deeeeeeep 'Buddha breath*' ... taken.)
Linda Ohlson Graham's recently self-published book: 'Earth Ocean Heavens', a mini guide book to aide Humanity in entering "The New Age" envisions 'allllllll of us' collectively entering a truly peaceful next thousand year cycle by enough of us intentionally quieting our thinking Mind(s) for just a few minutes daily. Her book shares, in poetic language - accented by award winning fine photography, Humanity's Path to Global Peace, calmer weather patterns ... and widespread healing.